Evaluation of Orthodontic Treatment Outcome in Patients with Mandibular First Molars Extraction by Means of PAR Index 应用PAR指数评估拔除下颌第一磨牙患者的矫治效果
Evaluation in Efficacy Orthodontic Treatment in Children's Teeth and Alveolar Bone Injuries 儿童牙和牙槽骨损伤的固定正畸处理疗效分析
Analysis of the extraction model in orthodontic treatment between patients with periodontal diseases and without 牙周病患者和普通正畸患者拔牙模式的分析
Initial Stree Analysis of a Cuspid and an Endosseous Implant Anchorage in Orthodontic Treatment 种植体支抗和尖牙在正畸矫治过程中的初始应力分析
Methods The orthodontic treatment process of19 cases who had malocclusion resulted from adult periodontitis were analyzed and the curative results were evaluated. 方法分析19例成人牙周炎继发错牙合畸形患者的矫治过程,并对矫治效果进行评价。
A Primary study of orthodontic treatment with implant anchorage 应用种植体支抗正畸治疗的初步临床研究
Expression of Substance P in gingival crevicular fluid during orthodontic treatment 固定正畸患者龈沟液中P物质表达的研究
Medical imaging technique is commonly used prior to operative orthodontic treatment. 医学影像技术是正畸治疗术前常用的检查手段。
AIM: To observe the effects of periodontal and orthodontic treatment on patients of periodontitis with crowding and occlusal traumatic teeth. 目的:探讨牙周炎伴牙列拥挤病人在常规牙周治疗和正畸治疗后的牙周改善情况。
The Effect of Different Intervention Measures on Oral Hygiene Maintenance in Adolescent Patients during Orthodontic Treatment with Fixed Appliance 不同干预措施对青少年固定矫治患者口腔卫生维护的影响
The most common torque need for the upper incisors during orthodontic treatment is increased palatal root torque. 最常见的扭矩需要切牙正畸治疗中增加腭根扭矩。
Each year countless children around the globe receive orthodontic treatment to align their teeth or correct other irregularities. 每年全世界都有不计其数的儿童接受正牙治疗,以使牙齿变得更加整齐或是矫正畸形。
She needs orthodontic treatment to have her teeth straightened. 她需要进行正牙治疗来矫正她的牙齿。
Factors and diagnosis of root resorption following orthodontic treatment 正畸治疗导致牙根吸收的影响因素和诊断评估
The study on the orthodontic treatment related to temporomandibular disorder 正畸治疗与颞下颌关节紊乱病关系的研究进展
Application analysis of Bolton index in orthodontic treatment Bolton指数在正畸矫治中的应用分析
Diagnosis and Orthodontic Treatment of Maxilla Impacted Teeth 上颌尖牙埋伏阻生的临床诊断及正畸治疗
Objective: To evaluate the effect of enamel sealing method with flowable composite resin to prevent decalcification during orthodontic treatment. 结论:光固化流动复合树脂封闭正畸托槽周边的牙釉质,能有效预防固定正畸治疗过程中牙釉质脱矿。
The effect of fixed fiber-reinforced composite splint with orthodontic treatment on periodontitis 正畸结合高强纤维夹板在牙周病治疗中的应用
Study of alveolar ridge Absorption and root resorption during orthodontic treatment 正畸患者矫治前后牙槽嵴和牙根吸收的调查研究
An experimental study on effect of force on orthodontic treatment 不同力值对正畸治疗影响的实验研究
The use of improved molar hooks in extraction orthodontic treatment 改良磨牙长牵引钩在拔牙矫治病例中的应用研究
Intermaxillary tooth size discrepancy can affect the final result of orthodontic treatment and its stability. 而颚间牙齿大小的差异,可能会影响矫正治疗最后的结果和咬合的稳定性。
Prevention of enamel demineralization in orthodontic treatment with application of fluoride vanish 氟保护漆预防正畸治疗中釉质脱矿的临床研究
Objective To explore the adult mentality during orthodontic treatment and corresponding measures of psychological instructions. 目的讨论成年正畸患者的就诊心态及针对性的心思辅导措施。
An evaluation of the orthodontic treatment effects by mini-implant in adults with maxillary protrusion 微种植体用于上颌前突正畸治疗的效果评价
Fixed orthodontic treatment is rarely used on primary dentition. 固定正畸治疗一般很少在乳牙列上进行。
Influence of orthodontic treatment on psychology of adult patients 口腔正畸治疗对成人患者心理状况的影响
Clinical investigation and orthodontic treatment for impacted maxillary canines of adult patients 成人上颌埋伏阻生尖牙的临床分析与治疗
Thus the prevention of enamel demineralization during orthodontic treatment has been a chief problem for orthodontists to consider. 因此,预防正畸治疗中的牙釉质脱矿的发生就成为正畸医师首先要考虑的问题。